I’m a 3rd year Computer Science student at the University of Edinburgh. Welcome to my corner of the internet!

About Me:

What is this website?

It’s a blend of my University notes, personal projects and written essays! You can search for a given topic using the 🔍 icon at the top (eg. “Memory Hierarchy”). Alternatively, you can just click around (eg. Power Series)!

Winning Formula Student UK 2023, AI Division

@ Winning Formula Student UK 2023, AI Division.

Where I've Worked:

  • In Summer 2023, I interned at J.P. MorganChase as a software engineer. I learned how to build at scale with AWS.
  • I interned at ITUS Secure Technologies, a Cybersecurity startup that aided the recovery of cybercrime victims, as well as general security managed services.
  • I spent a research internship at NeuroConcise. We developed a discreet EEG that allowed Locked-In patients to communicate with previously incommunicable patients.

I was the target audience...

I write my notes so that I can come back and re-learn the concepts easily. They’re messy, scrappy and incomplete. That’s the learning process at the end of the day 😉.

Also, some hyperlinks may not work - they’re likely private notes (eg. Spirals in Life)

Want to get in touch?

  • Send me an Email:
    • My email as hexadecimal: 6C656F63616D6163686F37303740676D61696C2E636F6D
    • You can convert hex -> ASCII online with CyberChef.
    • (If I pasted my email here, I’d get swarmed with bots.)
  • DM me on Twitter (still calling it that)
  • Message me on LinkedIn