
It’s a dynamic programming algorithm to convert any Context Free Language sentence into a Syntax Tree (parse or abstract). It works on exclusively Chomsky Normal Form.

How Does it Work?

  1. First, split up your sentence into a table as below. Split your sentence up with coordinates, with . Each valid coordinate is a substring of that sentence
  2. You will work diagonally downwards, before filling up as much as the remaining column above you as you can, before moving diagonally down again.
  3. At each step you will see what your current substring can be made out of, using the culmination of the already solved substrings
  4. Take (0,1). That’s a
  5. Now move onto (1,2). That’s a
  6. Now move onto . For “my very”, nothing can be made up of a and a .
  7. Continue downwards and upwards until you get the top right. If it’s a valid start, then you have a valid sentence.
  8. Note: Each layer you went up and across you had to consider all the possible new substrings.