
Key Idea: Tag

Right. Blocks can be placed anywhere in the cache, making it really hard to find specific addresses in data. We tackle this problem by giving each data block a tag, an index-like key assigned to each block. If you store a group of words all of address 0x3f6XX, where X is the identifier for exact pieces of memory, then the tag would be 03f6. You can also think of X as the offset for the tag, in the same way to get 123 (in ordinary decimal counting), 23 is the offset from 100.


  • Block can be placed anywhere in cache - Flexible
  • Correct Cache blocks are identified by matching tags
    • The top bit is literally just an address
  • The offset matches to a specific group within the byte offset
  • Slight Problem: Because data could be anywhere, you have to iterate over each
    tag in order to find the correct block - Slow.

Quirks of FAC:

  • Blocks can go into any location
  • Highly flexible Lowest miss rate
  • Must search whole cache to find block Speed and power suffer