
Basically, all computers who want to communicate with another in the same subnet, need both their IP Address and their Mac Address. Why, you may be asking? Because MAC Address is needed to communicate to the other devices on a hardware level, and the IP is needed to communicate on the internet layer.


It’s the protocol that maps IP Addresses to MAC Addresses. It’s pretty shit ngl. It works by:

  • Computer A will check it’s ARP Cache, to see if it already has a the mapping.
  • If not, Computer A will broadcast on the network screaming “Oi! Who’s at MAC is at”
  • Computer C will then respond with “Yeh A it’s me! Here it is…”
  • Note: Computer X could just tell Computer A that any arbitrary IP address is at any arbitrary mac address, even if A didn’t ask. A will change her ARP Cache regardless. Explained below:

Security Vulnerability

Butttttt… ARP is blindly faithful.

  • It doesn’t keep track on whether a machine has recently even asked for a new IP address.
  • If someone tells you about a new IP, you will change the table entry, regardless of how recently that was last changed.

Man In The Middle / ARP Poisoning / ARP Spoofing

The good ol’ Man In The Middle attack is used here, with an eavesdropper telling both about new ARP entries.

Defences Against That:

  • For critical systems, hard-code the ARP entries
  • Segment the network with VLANS
  • VPNs and Secure protocols.