Depth First Search:
- Given a node on a Graphs, explore to the next non-visited node. Label the edge you just took as discovery edge.
- Keep doing this until you’re faced with purely explored paths.For each edge you that’s explored, label it a back edge
- Backtrack to the most recent step in the path that had a unexplored paths.
- Repeat.
- Eventually, you’ll backtrack to A. Thus, you’re finished.
- Enabling the labelling stops you from running infinitely.
- Time Complexity:
Breadth First Search:
It selects an arbitrary root node neighbouring nodes first, before moving down to the next level of neighbours. It’s like “sweeping” through a maze
- Given every node in level , mark each node that’s reachable as the next level, level .
- Repeat until there’s no unexplored nodes.
Time Complexity: