
Another key-exchange protocol developed in 1978.


  • Alice (initiator)
  • Bob (receiver)
  • : Alice’s public key
  • : Bob’s public key
  • Message is encrypted with

Protocol Steps:

  1. Alice sends Bob an encrypted message (containing a secret unique number) with his public key:
  2. Bob responds back to the message, with his own secret unique number. He encrypts the message with Alice’s public key:
    1. (In the safer NSL version he also sends )
    2. He sends Alice’s number to confirm he got it
  3. Alice responds with to confirm she’s received the message.
  4. After all this, they can confirm they’re both talking with each-other securely.


  • It’s susceptible to a Man-In-The-Middle attacker. Imagine inserting yourself in between Alice and Bob. Since there’s no authentication, you could have a secure chat between both of them, but simply act as proxy. Boom!