
Wait! This page refers to OS architecture, which focuses on designing an environment for applications to run, abstracted away from hardware details. Itā€™s different from ISA (Instruction Set Architecture), which defines how software at the lowest level (eg assembly) operates.

What Can It Do?

Thereā€™s some key identifiers:

Parts to itā€¦

Itā€™s the interface between a computerā€™s hardware and the software running and users. It handles:

Potential Computer Security Concerns:

  • The computer may have users with different permissions to the resources of the computer. The OS should have mechanisms to isolate different users. (Privilege Separation)
    • One user should be able to run sudo, another should not - quite a unique problem when you think about it.
  • The OS should have a way to run different applications at the same time, safely. The terminal (or malicious app) shouldnā€™t be able to access the memory of your web-browser.