
When writing Graphs into code, we need to represent them somehow.

Representing Graphs

Adjacency Matrix
  • The th node corresponds to the th row and the th column.
  • Undirected graphs have . This is not necessarily the case for directed graphs.
Adjacency List
  • Nodes arranged as a list.
  • Each list has a sublist of its neighbours.

Undirected Example: (Node 2 should also have neighbour 1)

Directed Example:


Adjacency Matrix
  • Memory:
  • Checking adjacency of u and v
    • Time:
  • Finding all adjacent nodes of u
    • Time: O(n)
Adjacency List
  • Memory: O(m+n)
  • Checking adjacency of u and v
    • Time:
  • Finding all adjacent nodes of u
    • Time:
  • Better for: Sparse graphs, where the (nodes) >> (much larger) (number of edges.)